četvrtak, 23. travnja 2020.

Collins Osinachi Emeghara, Nigerija

Collins Osinachi Emeghara je nagrađivani i dobro poznati pisac iz Owerrija u državi Imo, jugoistočna Nigerija. Rođen je 23. aprila 1983., a diplomirao je na Univerzitetu u Nigeriji 2006.
Objavio je sedam knjiga poezije i proze. Nositelj je diplome World Nation Writers. Član je Udruženja književnika Nigerije.
Služio je Udruženju autora financijskog sektora Nigerije, poglavlje IMO State između 2015. i 2017. S obožavateljima širom sveta, njegove se pesme svakodnevno čitaju na različitim mestima.
Objavljivao je u mnogobrojnim međunarodnim antologijama i književnim časopisima.
U oktobru 2018. godine dobio je priznanje Ambasadora Literature impresivnih Motivacijskih stripova, u novembru 2018. dobija zlatno priznanje na Svjetskom takmičenju književni biser.
Zasluženo dobija i mnoga priznanja za svoj književni rad iz celog sveta.
Collins Osinachi Emeghara u svojoj poeziji izražava radost i tugu zbog svoje domovine, poput mudraca svijeta.
Osnivač je i izvršni direktor Every Child Lifeline Charity Foundation i smatra sebe nevladinom organizacijom za rehabilitaciju zaboravljene dece u svetu. Kamsi je jedno od te zaboravljene djece.

Kad bih izabrao

Moje se srce ispunilo rečima...
Tišinom pretražuju moje ruke...
Reči tragaju za životom mašina...
Ako bih ostao pri tom izboru...
Ja ću biti oblak '
lutati u potrazi za odavno izgubljenim prijateljima...
Crtati čuda svojim oblakom
Ne neki usamljeni pesnik,
pesnik u rukama Bika ...
Mama me trebala roditi
u neko drugo vreme...
Reči grade piramide
u mom srcu...
Suze me nahrane
njenom pohlepom...
Reči su tražile hranu
za Afriku....
Ako bih ostao pri tom izboru...
Biću zmaj koji veselo pleše
u daleko nebo...
Iznenađuje nevina deca ...
I ništa nisam znao o ludom svetu...
Da se ne spotaknem preko papira
u mojoj sobi ...
Neću da se zagledam i osmehnem
pjevajućim pticama...
Gledajući niz krivudav put
kao da čekam izgubljenog prijatelja...
Vani je tako hladno, tako mračno '
najdublje u mom srcu ...
Mama me trebala roditi
u neko drugo vreme...
Ni ovaj put se muškarci još ne rađaju '
u ovom vremenu Bik još nije rođen..
Ako bih ostao pri tom izboru...
Radije ću plesati na tvom krovu...
Taj vetar ljulja od kolebanja prozor...
Da plešem u vremenu
od radosti...
Uvek plešem kad mi je srce
Jer to najbolje svetu odgovara...
Ne neka vrsta pesnika sa srcem poput
grad u vreme izolacije...
Reči moje muze prodiru u moje srce...
Kao prašina, kao papir u rukama vetra
u odustajanju od tržišta ...
Mama me trebala roditi
u neko drugo vreme...

Ako želite, podržite projekat za bolji život dece Afrike... 


Collins Osinachi Emeghara is an award-winning and well published writer from Owerri in Imo state, southeastern Nigeria. He was born ‪on April 23‬. 1983, and graduated from the University of Nigeria in 2006. He has published both poetry and prose (seven book titles) and is holder of a diploma from World Nation Writers. Member Association of Nigeria Authors. Served as Financial sectary Association of Nigeria authors IMO State chapter between 2015 to 2017. With fans through out the world, his poems are read in different sites every day. He his published in tons of international anthologies / literary journals And was awarded an Ambassador de Literature certificate from the impressive Motivational Strips in October 2018 and also became recipient of a Gold award in the World Literary Pearl contest at the same site in November 2018. He's had many recognitions for his literary work from around the world. Collins Osinachi Emeghara in his poetry expresses both the joy and sorrow of his homeland like wise of the world. He is founder and CEO of Every Child Lifeline Charity Foundation and considers himself an NGO bent on rehabilitating the forgotten children of the world. Kamsi is one of those forgotten children.

If I would choose

My heart filled with
Still my hands search
for words...
Words searched for if life
If I would be left to that
I'll be a cloud '
to roam in search of long lost friends...
To draw wonders with my cloud
of smoke...
Not some kind of lonely poet,
a poet in the hands of Taurus...
Mom should've born me
in another time...
Words building pyramids
in my heart...
Tearing me apart to feed
her greed...
Words sought like food in
If I would be left to that
I'll be a kite dancing in joy
and faraway sky...
It amazes innocent
And knew nothing about this
crazy world...
Not to stumble on papers
across my room...
Not to gaze and smile at
singing birds...
Looking down the winding road
as if waiting for a lost friend...
Outside is so cold, so dark '
the deepest in my heart...
Mom should've born me
in another time...
Not this time still men are born '
not this time Taurus was born...
If I would be left to that
I will rather be the dance of yours
fallen roof...
That wind rocking your wobbling
To dance in time of
Still dancing when my heart
is broken...
For that's what suits the world
Not some kind of poet with a heart like
a city in time of isolation...
Muse chasing words in my
Like dust, like paper in the hands of wind
in abandon market...
Mom should've born me
in another time...

If you like, support the project for a better life for African children ..


 Fotografija Osinachija Cajethana Chisaokwe.

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